Revolving house Geiersberg

Living and working with flair

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The idea continued to develop

With the construction of the second generation of revolving houses, we have further improved the insulating properties of the house and integrated the latest technologies into our building. Total energy efficiency is possible in combination with the rotatability.


The second generation has been given a new structural design. This allows for a freer and more contemporary architecture. We have retained the basic principles of the design (rotatability and the minimum possible enclosure area) because they work.
The roof was designed as a flat roof to combine the photovoltaics technology perfectly with our revolving house.

Construction material

This building is also made from timber. It’s the best raw material if you want to build ecologically, with a positive effect on the climate. This creates a healthy living environment, because the vapour-permeable building cladding allows the house to breath. As a construction material, timber also regulates moisture.

State of the art technology

Rotatability: Optimised motor control in hardware and software according to the sun’s movements by time of year. Alternatively can be switched to manual control or using the connected exercise bike.

An earth heating pump is used for heating. An air conditioning unit with heat recovery keeps air quality high and minimises heat losses through ventilation. Heat losses through the perimeter surface are reduced to a minimum using passive house windows, doors and wall superstructures.

The photovoltaics elements produce electricity and the solar thermals heat the water.

Save water, electricity and gas – the steady drops make the savings.

The residents

The residents who live in or use the building also benefit from its rotatability. In the revolving house, they can enjoy evenly lit rooms all day – boosting their sense of well-being.

We do it like the sundial and just count the cheerful hours.

Year of construction


Planning with the latest CAD/CAM software and hardware